Monday, April 8, 2013

Take The Chance

This week, as I prepare to finish the semester in the next month, as well as make a huge move (to Alexandria, VA!), this quote could not speak louder to me. At times I find myself questioning my decisions, and sometimes trying to talk myself out of them. But I know that this is what I'm supposed to do. I know that I'm meant to be bigger than this little city I have called home for the last 5 years. We all are. There is so much for us all to see, yet we settle for less than we deserve out of fear of the risk. We become comfortable all too often. I know I have. Another quote (I live on quotes) that has carried me the past few months is "You must make a choice, to take a chance, or your life will never change." There is so much in this world,  just waiting for us to find it! So I encourage you, as you go about your daily lives, whether it be big or small, take a risk with me. I know there is something you all have been wanting to do, but are too unsure. GO DO IT. It's scary, and nerve-racking, but at the end of this life, when we look back, we will be so grateful that we took those chances to better ourselves and our lives. Happy Monday!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Getting Past the Struggle

I recently finished a 24-Day Challenge put on by a company called Advocare. Ever heard of it? AMAZING products, and AMAZING results. If you'd like to know more about the Challenge, go here. I thoroughly enjoyed myself throughout the 24 days, and my body feels wonderful. Although I didn't experience much weight loss, I do have more energy and my body actually likes me now. Crazy talk, right? The best part though, is that I don't crave fast food anymore! Yuck. 
However, I have to admit that I have been fighting a battle with myself lately. I CANNOT get my butt to the gym! I used to love it! In fact, I still love it but I've become lazy. I tell myself, "oh you can go tomorrow", or "it's okay to skip just this one day". The problem is, one day turns into two, then three, and so on. It's difficult not having a workout buddy either. My boyfriend, Mr. Tew, just isn't as excited about the gym as I am used to be. And without someone to keep me accountable, it's easier to ditch the exercise and grab some ice cream! 
What are some of your tips and tricks on getting yourself moving? I always feel so great after a workout, but I seem to need that little extra push... KEEP ME ACCOUNTABLE! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

In Honor of the Sunshine

As summer approaches us, I figured it was appropriate to remind ourselves of the risks the sun poses. Don't get me wrong, I love putting on my sunnies, a sundress, and sandals before heading off out for a nice walk in the park. But did you know that skin cancers are the most common cancers in the United States? No fun in my opinion. 

So what are some risk factors? Well, unprotected (meaning you ditched the sunscreen) and/or excessive exposure to UV rays, having a fair skin tone (count me in on that one), odd shaped/colored moles, and severe sunburns. I'm sure we all can admit we've experienced at least one of these. The good news is, however, that we can PREVENT skin cancer from even bothering us if we take the right steps!

The most important prevention strategy we can take is limiting our exposure to strong sunlight. It is also very important to look at your skin regularly for any odd signs that perhaps weren't there before. Here are some other tips & tricks I find handy:

  • Avoid the sun between 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 
  • Look for shade
  • Cover up with clothing made of tightly woven fabrics
  • USE SUNSCREEN & lip balm with SPF 15 or higher, even on overcast days
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat & sunnies (sunglasses)
  • Avoid tanning beds (sidenote here: I understand that some of us are going to use tanning beds regardless of what experts say. If you fall into this category, please just keep in mind that everything is best when used in MODERATION; end of soapbox)
None of this is meant to scare you, or deter you from enjoying those beautiful sunny days we have all been waiting for. Just remember to protect yourself so you can keep enjoying them for a long time down the road!